Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Minhag Ashkenaz/Yekke Minyan and Friday Shiur for Tamuz

Sorry, but once again due to the health regulations we will not be able to hold our monthly RBSA Minhag Ashkenaz/Yekke minyan this coming Friday night (first Friday after Rosh Chodesh).

However, for some good news, B’ezras Hashem, the interactive chabura/shiur of Rabbi Rubinstein Shlita is continuing this Friday June 26th at 10 AM on Zoom and by phone. Rabbi Rubinstein is the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Ohr Yehoshua which graciously gives us a room in which to hold our Minhag Ashkenaz Yekke minyan each month.

This week’s topic will continue on the concept of מיפך שבועה, the option of the claimant to flip the obligation of the shevuah on the claimer
  • Mesechta shavuos daf מא.
  • The Ran on the Rif has a lengthy discussion on this
  • The Rambam פרק א הלכות טוען ונטען  discusses as well at length

No prior attendance is required. No preparation is required. (But if you are able to see the sugya beforehand you will find it helpful.)

About 1 hour total including a few minutes at the end of insights on the parsha / current events with practical application for chinuch, shalom bayis, parnassah and other important matters of life

No charge / no solicitation of funds / and no commitment

Topic: Rabbi Rubinstein chabura - Friday June 26th at 10 AM
Time: Jun 26, 2020 10:00 AM Jerusalem

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 813 5850 4271
Password: 613

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