Some halachos


If there are no children, the chazan should drink the kiddush. If he doesn’t want to, then another adult should make the kiddush (even without chazonos) and drink the whole cup.

Minyan can go straight from Mincha to Kabbalas Shabbos to Maariv. 

Once you put on the tallis, it's best not to take it off. Keep it on the rest of the minyan if there are enough available.


It is perfectly fine to say kaddish once a day for a relative. You don't need to do more than that. However, it is even better if, apart from this, the relative also learns a 'mishna' once a day, or at least once a week, for example on Shabbes, even if it is an "easy" mishna, such as 'Pirki Avos'.

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