Friday, June 30, 2017

No Minyan Tonight

I'm sorry for the late notice, but we will not have the Minhag Ashkenaz minyan tonight. And not only that but we will take a break for the summer as many members are taking vacations, going out of town etc. and it's getting too complicated ensuring that all the various pieces come together.

If you would like to resume in Elul or Tishrei please be in touch with me. We have had solid showings for each minyan we have held so we have enough interested people in theory to continue our monthly minyan. However, in general, it would be helpful if people could communicate with me more about their interest in the minyan and the various activities we try to arrange. Feedback is always welcome.

We are always looking for people who can lead the davening. Please let me know if you can do that or if you have a large apartment in which you can host the minyan when our regular location is unavailable or if you know of a shul with a spare room.

I hope you have enjoyed the minyanim we have held thus far. I know I have. There's nothing quite like a good Yekke davening.

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